The right mix for Mogo – have your say

Published: 8 November 2021

The draft Mogo Village Place Activation Plan is on public exhibition until Wednesday 1 December and Eurobodalla Council wants your thoughts.

Council’s coordinator of strategic planning Angie Radford said the draft plan prioritised 47 practical actions intended to attract investment and secure economic resilience into the future.

“It’s a comprehensive plan and there’s a lot to digest but there are three key moves: developing an integrated hub in the centre of the village, relocating the toilets to a central location, and reimagining John Street Reserve as a meeting place,” Ms Radford said.

Mogo Village Business Chamber president Richard Adams encouraged everyone in the village to provide feedback.

“This is a long term project that could determine Mogo’s future for the next fifteen or twenty years,” Mr Adams said.

“We’ve never had an opportunity to do something like this.”

New opportunities for Mogo arise out of several village projects outlined in the draft plan. These include the Mogo Adventure Trail Hub, the restoration of Cabbage Tree Creek including pedestrian bridge, and the installation of new and reconstruction of existing footpaths.

Boomerang Meeting Place member Maryanne Nye was pleased to see the proposed path connecting the main village with the Mogo Recreation Park in the draft plan.

“We need to keep our kids safe – keep everybody safe – especially along the roads, Ms Nye said.

“It could do a lot for our community and for Mogo,” Ms Nye said.

Adventure tourism operator Josh Waterson said he thought the draft plan a huge win – economically, socially, environmentally.

“It spells out great things for the village of Mogo and the south coast generally,” Mr Waterson said.

“All the shops and businesses – accommodation, food, retail, tourism – should get behind it.”

Ms Radford said while some projects were already in train, many actions included in the plan depended on grant funding and it would be necessary to balance these against other needs across the shire.

“Wherever you live in Eurobodalla, we’re keen to hear your thoughts on the draft Mogo Village Place Activation Plan,” she said.

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