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Landfill EPA pollution monitoring data

Environmental monitoring data reports

Council operates two waste management facilities under environment protection licenses, Surf Beach and Brou.

NSW EPA issues licenses under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act). Licence conditions relate to pollution prevention and monitoring. We must publish the pollution monitoring data within 14 days of collecting it.

You can read our monthly data reports for the last four years.

Pollution Incident Response Management Plan

The POEO Act requires us to have a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (the plan) for our waste management facilities. The plan:

  • ensures that pollution incidents are avoided where possible
  • ensures that if an incident does occur, we manage it in the right way. This minimises the effects on the environment and human health.

The plan for our waste management facilities outlines:

  • procedures for notifying a pollution incident
  • the immediate action we need to take to reduce or control any pollution
  • procedures for coordinating any action taken to combat the pollution.

Objectives of the plan

The objectives of the plan are to:

  • communicate the pollution incident to relevant authorities and people outside of the facilities the incident could have affected, in a detailed and timely way
  • minimise and control the risk of any pollution incident that may occur at the facilities by identifying the risks and developing planned actions to manage them
  • ensure trained staff:
    • identify the person(s) responsible for implementing the plan
    • implement the plan
    • regularly check that the plan is accurate, suitable and up to date.

Read the plan

Contact us

For more information, please contact Water Quality Officer, Tim Neenan: