This year’s theme, "You’re the Voice," was chosen to inspire young artists to explore and express their creativity.
The Nowra-based writer hit the big-time with her debut novel After the Forest, a re-telling of Hansel and Gretel, and Sunday Times bestseller.
Signs will be in place with details of the time, date and herbicide used. Grounds can be used again once signs have been removed.
Residents are invited to share their knowledge, experience, and preferences around different options that reduce flood impact.
Council is seeking expressions of interest to join a visitor economy working group to implement a new tourism delivery model for the shire.
Walbunja Rangers help Council mitigate the invasive boneseed weed, improve the reserve's vegetation and reduce fuel loads.
If you like to know the stories behind the stories then Eurobodalla’s libraries are the place to be, with a bevy of bestselling authors visiting.
Mark your calendars and pump up your tyres – the eastern section of Mogo Trails opens on Saturday 17 August.
Friends and business partners, Caroline and Imogen share what led them to heading up one of the region’s most popular cafés.
Capital city routes have been grounded, but regional routes continue. The Moruya service remains unchanged.
Find out what the amenities team has been up to so far. Some toilet upgrades are already complete and there's more on the way.
Transport for NSW have announced their preferred route for the a two lane, nine-kilometre bypass east of the Princes Highway.
For over eight months, a team of volunteers were busy turning a corner of the Moruya Transfer Station into a solar reuse centre.
A regular column to introduce dhurga words and meanings, with help from Council's Aboriginal Advisory Committee.
Need some extra funds to run your community activity? Council has $500 grants for programs and events, and it’s easy to apply!
Here's an update on recycling soft plastics, textiles, and batteries, green waste, increased fines for dumping and littering, and more.
Since the pandemic, Moruya Airport passenger numbers have bounced back to normal, and upgrades are on the horizon.
Potential councillor candidates can attend an information session from 5.30-7.30pm on Monday 29 July at Moruya.