Annual hard waste collection
Council provides a free kerbside hard waste collection once a year for residential properties that use Council's domestic waste collection service. The pick-up takes place from mid-July to mid-September, with dates and locations advertised from June each year.
Each household is allowed to put out a maximum of two cubic metres of material.
Any waste in excess, or items not accepted, will have to be removed by the resident and any items left on the kerb will be considered illegal dumping.
We will collect 
- white goods, fridges
- microwaves
- mowers
- garden tools
- hot water systems
- heaters
- non-electronic electrical items (jugs, hair dryer, corded power tools)
- furniture
- toys
- metal fencing (max 1.2m x 1.5m)
- gutters (max 1.5m long)
- carpet rolls (max 1.5m wide)
- other household items too large for your garbage bin
We will not collect 
- any item deemed to be a work health and safety issue.
- vegetation
- motor vehicle parts, tyres
- building materials or renovation waste (soil, bricks, rubble, stones, steel)
- glass
- mattresses, mattress bases - ensembles
- liquids (paints, petrol, oil)
- hazardous materials
- e-waste (TVs, computers, monitors, printers, scanners, stereos, DVD & video players, laptops, gaming machines, set-top boxes, other plastic electronics with screens, circuit boards, toner cartridges or inbuilt rechargeable batteries)
- recyclable material (paper, glass, aluminium cans, rigid plastic containers).
How to separate your hard waste
It is very important that you present your hard waste correctly - this allows recoverable goods to be recycled.
Please sort your hard waste into three piles:
- Pile 1: fridges, freezers and air conditioning units
- Pile 2: other metal items
- Pile 3: other junk items.
Please only put waste out just before your area's collection date.
Doors must be removed from all large airtight white goods and containers before disposal. Fridges and freezers left for disposal could trap and suffocate young children.
Eurobodalla Shire Council accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of any claims, cause of action or loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of kerbside waste collection.
More information
If you would like more information about our hard waste collection service, please contact Council's Waste Services on:
- T: 4474 1024
- E: Council