Two young women in a cafe at a coffee machine with another woman in the background preparing food banner image

Liquid trade waste

Liquid trade waste means all liquid waste, other than domestic sewage, produced by a business, industrial or commercial activity, that is discharged to the sewerage system. It excludes domestic waste from a hand wash basin, shower, bath or toilet.

Due to its concentration levels, liquid trade waste may need pre-treatment before it is discharged into the sewerage system.

Liquid trade waste includes liquids from:

  • businesses and commercial premises: eg, cafes, restaurants, hotels, service stations, mechanical workshops, supermarkets, beauticians, and butchers
  • industrial premises
  • community and public premises: eg, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, pools, and universities
  • any of these activities carried out at residential premises
  • trade activities: eg, mobile carpet cleaning
  • septic tank waste
  • chemical toilet waste
  • waste from marine pump-out facilities and established sites: discharge of pan contents from portaloos, caravans and mobile homes to the sewerage system.