
Reports to Committee are presented generally by 'exception' - that is, only those items that do not comply with legislation or policy, or are the subject of objection, are discussed in a report.

Reports address areas of business risk to assist decision making. Those areas include legal, policy, environment, asset, economic, strategic and financial.

Reports may also include key planning or assessment phrases such as:

  • Setback Council's planning controls establish preferred standards of setback (eg 7.5m front; 1m side and rear);
  • Envelope taking into account the slope of a lot, defines the width and height of a building with preferred standard of 8.5m high;
  • Footprint the percentage of a lot taken up by a building on a site plan.





Australian Capital Region

The political and strategic grouping of the ACT government and 17 adjacent councils.


Annual Exceedance Probability

For floods expressed as a % eg 1% = 1:100 year event. The NSW Flood Guidelines nominate types of development and controls.


Australian Height Datum

Floor levels for buildings set to remain at or above flood level (expressed as 'freeboard').


Asset Protection Zone

Area to be cleared and maintained around habitable buildings in bushfire prone areas.


Australian Standard

Standards set by national body as minimum construction, service, system, planning or design requirements.


Building Code of Australia

Prescribes minimum standards or performance base for building construction.


Companion Animal Management Plan

Required by state law, plan nominating management of dogs and cats and areas for access for the exercise of dogs (eg beaches and reserves).


Construction Certificate

Floor plans approved by council or private certifier in compliance with development conditions and BCA.


Crown Lands Division

State agency managing state lands and advising on development applications or crown land management.


Condition of Public Works Report

Required by state law to define the condition of infrastructure assets, the cost to upgrade to defined standards, the current costs of maintenance and desired levels of maintenance.


Cultural Plan

A cultural plan enables identification of cultural assets, identity and needs as well as providing a framework to develop cultural initiatives to increase opportunities for residents.


Complaint and Service Request

Requests received from public by phone, letter, email or Councillor to attend to certain works (eg pothole) or complain of certain service or offence (eg dogs barking).


Coastal Zone Management Plan

Describes proposed actions to address priority management issues in the coastal zone.


Development Application

Required by state law to assess suitability and impacts of a proposed development.


Disability Action Plan

Council plan outlining proposed works and services to upgrade facilities to progressively meet Disability Discrimination Act.


Development Control Plan

Local planning policy defining the characteristics sought in residential, commercial land.


Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (formerly EPA, NPWS, DEC)

State agencies (former Environment Protection and National Parks), DNR managing state lands and natural resources and regulating council activity or advising on development applications.


Department of Local Government

State agency responsible for regulating local government.


Department of Health

State agency responsible for oversight of health care (community and hospital) programs. Also responsible for public warning of reportable health risks.


Department of Infrastructure and Transport

Federal agency incorporating infrastructure, transport system, and assisting regions and local government.


Department of Planning

State agency managing state lands and regulating council activity or advising on development applications or strategic planning.


Department of Water and Energy

State agency managing funding and approvals for town and country water and sewer services and State energy requirements.


Eurobodalla Bike Plan

Strategic Plan identifying priorities and localities for cycleways in the Shire.


Environmental Impact Statement

Required for designated and state developments researching and recommending solutions to social, economic and environmental impacts.


Estuary Management Plan

A program of strategic actions to assist stakeholder to sustain healthy estuaries.


Expressions of Interest

Often called in advance of selecting tenders to ascertain capacity and cost of private sector performing tasks or projects on behalf of council.


Environment Planning & Assessment Act

State law defining types of development on private and public lands, the assessment criteria and consent authorities.


Eurobodalla Shire Council



Ecologically Sustainable Development

Global initiative recommending balance of social, economic and environmental values in accord with 7 ESD principles.


Eurobodalla Settlement Strategy

Council strategy prepared with assistance of government to identify best uses and re-uses of urban lands, the appropriate siting of private and public investment (eg institutions, employment areas or high density residential) based on current and planned infrastructure and land capacity.


Equivalent Tenement

Basis of calculation of demand or impact of a single dwelling on water and sewer system.

FAG (under review)

Financial Assistance Grant

Federal general purpose grant direct to local government based on population and other 'disability' factors.


Floor Space Ratio

The ratio of a building's total floor area to the size of the parcel of land upon which it is built


Geographic Information System

Computer generated spatial mapping of land and attributes such as infrastructure, slope, zoning.


Government Property Authority

Government Property NSW is the body for considering all strategic real property asset management issues.


Greater Southern Area Health Service

State board commissioned with oversight of health care in Highlands, Monaro and Far South Coast.


Independent Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal

State body that reviews statutory or government business regulatory frameworks and pricing levels.


Institute Public Works Engineers Australia

Professional association.


Integrated Water Cycle Management Strategy (or Plan)

Council plan identifying risk and social, economic and environmental benefit of proposed augmentation to water, sewer and stormwater systems.


Integrated Waste Management (Minimisation) Strategy

Council plan identifying risk and social, economic and environmental benefit of proposed augmentation of waste (solids, effluent, contaminated, liquid trade waste).


Local Environment Plan

The statutory planning instrument defining the zones and objectives of urban and rural areas.


Local Government Act

State law defining the role of Mayor, Councillors, staff, financing, approvals etc.


Local Government Authority



Local Government Managers Australia

Professional association.


Local Government & Shires Association

Representative advisory and advocacy group for councils in NSW.


Land & Property Information

Land and Property Information is a division of the Department of Finance & Services and is the key provider of land information services in New South Wales.


Memorandum of Understanding

Agreement in principle between parties (eg council and agency) to achieve defined outcomes.


National Parks & Wildlife Service

Now merged into DECCW.


Natural Resource Management

The management of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants and animals, with a particular focus on how the management affects the quality of life for both present and future generations.


Native Vegetation Act 2003

State law defining means of protection of threatened legislation and approval processes to clear land.


Occupation Certificate

Issued by council or private certifier that building is safe to occupy and in compliance with development conditions and BCA.


On-site sewage management system

Includes septic tanks, aerated systems, biocycles etc.


Principal Certifying Authority

The person or organisation appointed by applicant to inspect and certify structures.


Planning Institute of Australia

Professional association.


Protection of the Environment Operations Act

State law outlining standards for emissions and discharges and penalties for pollution.


Plan of Management (usually for community land)

Council plan nominating type of uses for community land and range of facilities progressively to be provided on land.


Public Private Partnerships



Public Transport Strategy

Council strategy to initiate mechanisms to promote and facilitate public transport (bus, taxi, community transport, cycles) in design of subdivisions, developments and council works.


Public Works

State agency managing state public water, sewer and buildings infrastructure and advising/supervising on council infrastructure construction.


Review of Environmental Factors

Council examination of risk and social, economic and environmental benefit of proposed works, assessed against state planning, environment and safety laws.


Rural Fire Service

State agency responsible for providing equipment and training for volunteer firefighter brigades, and the assessment and approval of developments in bushfire prone lands.


Roads & Maritime Services

State agency, established on 1 November 2011, responsible for building and maintaining roads; conduct driving tests; issuing licences and registrations and overseeing harbours and waterways.


S64 Contributions Plan

Developer contributions plan to enable, with council and state funds, the augmentation of water, sewer and stormwater infrastructure.



S94 Contributions Plan

S94A Contributions Plan Levy Plan

Developer contributions to enable construction of public infrastructure and facilities such as roads, reserves, carparks, amenities etc.


Southern Councils Group

Political and strategic grouping of councils along the NSW south coast from Wollongong to the border, lobbying government for assistance (eg highways) and resourcing sharing initiatives.


South Coast Regional Strategy

Regional Strategy prepared by DoP for ESC, BVSC and part SCC to guide new LEPs.


Soil Conservation Service

Soil Conservation Service (SCS) is now a division of the Department of Primary Industries, which is a department within the newly established Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services


Strategic Environment Assessment

Spatial assessment of environmental constraints of land considered in design and assessment of subdivision and infrastructure.

Scientific research behind assessment of capacity of land and waterways in rural residential and urban expansion lands to sustain human settlement.


State Environmental Planning Policy

Outlines compulsory state planning objectives.


South East Regional Organisation of Councils

The South East Regional Organisation of Councils (SEROC) comprises the NSW Councils of Bombala, Boorowa, Cooma-Monaro, Eurododalla, Goulburn- Mulwaree, Harden, Palerang, Queanbeyan, Snowy River, Upper Lachlan, Yass Valley and Young, plus the Australian Capital Territory.


State of the Environment Report

Required by state law, the comprehensive assessment (every four years) of the condition and the pressures on the social, economic and environmental features of the Shire and appropriate responses to address or preserve those issues.


Social Plan

Required by state law, the comprehensive assessment (every four years) of the condition and the pressures on the social framework of the community, their services and facilities and economic interactions.


Structure Plan

Plan promoting land uses and siting of infrastructure and facilities in towns (eg, BBSP – Batemans Bay Structure Plan).


Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority

State agency commissioned with assessment and monitoring of health and qualities of catchments from Wollongong to the border, and determine directions and priorities for public and private investment or assistance with grants.


Sewer Treatment Plant

Primary, secondary and part tertiary treatment of sewage collected from sewers before discharge into EPA approved water ways or irrigation onto land.


Total Asset Management System

Computer aided system recording condition and maintenance profiles of infrastructure and building assets.


Triple Bottom Line

Commercial term coined to encourage business to consider and disclose social and environmental risk, benefit and costs in the conduct of business to guide investors as to the long term sustainability and ethics of a business. Taken up by Council to record the basis of prioritisation, the review of condition, the monitor of progress and the financial disclosure of preventative or maintenance investment in council based social and environmental activities.


Terms of Reference



Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995

State law governing the protection of nominated species and relevant assessment and development controls.


Water Sensitive Urban Design

Principle behind the IWCMS and council development codes requiring new developments to reduce demand and waste on water resources through contemporary subdivision and building design.