Planning considerations

Council welcomes your development enquiries. Information about our natural environment, economy, and social and cultural heritage will help guide your approach.

The Eurobodalla environment is special in many ways unique. There are a number of threatened ecological communities present in Eurobodalla Shire, and numerous threatened fauna and flora species. The vast areas of bushland in National Parks, State Forest and on private land poses a serious risk of bushfire to the community.

Eurobodalla has extensive areas of significant wetlands, watercourses and a magnificent coastline. The impacts of climate change on Eurobodalla Shire, such as the increased risk of bushfire and sea level rise, also need to be taken into consideration.


These resources can assist in considering the environment when preparing Development Applications or planning proposals:

Many cities and towns in Australia are located on the coast, so it is important that Australian governments plan settlements that can respond to the constantly changing coastal environment. With around 110km coastline and over 50 beaches under our care and control, Eurobodalla Council has more coastal management responsibilities than most NSW local governments.

We must also consider the impacts of climate change. Our local towns are vulnerable to sea level rise, with many homes, businesses, public infrastructure and natural places potentially at risk.

Council has adopted a regional risk management based approach toward planning for sea level rise. This aims to allow the community to gain economic benefits from the coast without denying future generations the chance to enjoy the same lifestyle benefits we enjoy today. Our community helps to work toward these goals through our Coastal Management Advisory Committee.

Development assessment

Council adopted the Interim Coastal Hazards Adaptation Code (the Code) in February 2015 to guide the assessment of Development Applications in areas potentially at risk from coastal hazards. By having the Code in place, Council is meeting its legal requirements to consider coastal hazards when assessing Development Applications. The Code is triggered when a Development Application is lodged.

The Code applies as a temporary guideline until we have completed the process of developing a Coastal Management Program.


Key facts

  • Eurobodalla’s community is ageing at a rate faster than the national average.
  • We have a growing youth population but retain a lower proportion of young adults, as many leave the area following high school.
  • The most common reasons for young people to leave the area are to undertake tertiary education or seek greater work opportunities.
  • Our community is significantly influenced by tourism with a high proportion of homes vacant throughout the year used primarily as holiday homes.


These resources provide local, social and cultural information that create a more detailed understanding of the opportunities and issues facing the region:

In the past the Eurobodalla Shire’s economy was based on dairying, forestry and fishing. Today, the region's economy is far more diverse and is based on tourism, healthcare, agriculture and construction.

While our local economy has been impacted by the 2019/20 bushfires and COVID-19, there is also significant public infrastructure investment in the region. This long-term investment provides jobs and sustains the local economy.

Covid-19 economic outlook

The 2019/20 summer bushfires and COVID-19 will continue to have a negative impact on economic activity.


The economic strategies, reports and tools on this page provide further economic information that creates a more detailed understanding of the opportunities and issues facing Eurobodalla.