New approach to tourism delivery

Published: 30 August 2024

Eurobodalla Council is seeking expressions of interest from motivated individuals to join a visitor economy working group that will finalise and implement a new tourism delivery model for the shire.

Council’s General Manager Warwick Winn said the working group is the start of a new approach that would see the tourism sector have greater autonomy and accountability over how their industry is supported and promoted.

“Tourism already makes a significant contribution to the health and wealth of Eurobodalla’s communities. Better cooperation and collaboration with the tourism industry is a key to sustainably growing our visitor economy for everyone’s benefit,” he said.

A new tourism delivery model was a priority action from the Eurobodalla Destination Action Plan adopted by Council in December 2023. Since then, tourism staff have worked up a draft model and spent significant time discussing and refining it with industry representatives, including members of the industry advisory group involved in the development of the action plan.

Mr Winn said this process itself demonstrated Council’s desire to better collaborate with the industry.

“Industry reps have gladly given their time and expertise in the past six months, and ultimately their support, to the establishment of an industry-led group that will have greater input into how the visitor economy is managed in the future.

“This new approach will be a two-year pilot project, with robust governance, measurement and evaluation frameworks wrapped around it, which the working group will help refine,” Mr Winn said.

“Once a model is endorsed by Council, the intention is to provide a portion of our current tourism budget to the working group to implement the priorities they’ve agreed in collaboration with Council staff and aligned to our destination action plan.

“Based on the research we’ve done and the feedback from industry, I expect it to be a success, remembering that building relationships and industry buy-in takes time and investment.”

Expressions of interest are sought from individuals with relevant experience including marketing, hospitality, events, accommodation, tours and experiences. Consideration will be given to sector and geographic balance.

Find more information and how to express your interest in joining the Eurobodalla Visitor Economy Working Group on Council’s website.

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