Learn how to use a hot composting machine and get a free composting kit for your household.
Get practical tips to start or improve worm farming at home. On completion, each household will receive a free worm farm.
Miriam shares her insights and tips as you learn the techniques to capture the essence and beauty of the human figure. Workshop six brings it all together using form, shape, line and tone!
Renowned and versatile, local artist David Ramsland immerses viewers in the dream-like quality of his visions of the bush and the sea.
Move and munch in this specially designed music class led by Jo Steel from Ukubebe. Suitable for ages 0 to 5 years.
This free theoretical workshop will provide advice for both new and experienced motorcycle riders.
Join us in a fun and free buzzy bee workshop with Beyond the Beanstalk and 3Bs. Suitable for ages 0 to 12 years.
Hear from early childhood professionals on how you can help your child get ready this year for their first steps into school life.