Man wearing a hat and holding a note pad inspecting weeds banner image

Council weed control programs

Council is the local control authority for the Biosecurity Act 2015 (the Act) for the enforcement of declared weeds. We inspect properties in the Eurobodalla for biosecurity matter (weeds) as part of our inspection program. We carry out these routine inspections on private and public land.

The Act, Biosecurity Regulations 2017 (Regulations), and South East Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan (SERWMP) outline most weed enforcement obligations. Council also carries out several weed control programs under the Act for significant weeds in the Eurobodalla. The programs on this page explain the control requirements for these plants.

In the SERWMP, some plants such as African love grass are not 'priority weeds' at a regional scale, but they're of high concern in the Eurobodalla. Our weed control programs bridge this gap. The programs ensure that landholders manage these threatening weeds in the right way. Landholders must follow these programs to make sure they are meeting their biosecurity requirements.

Inspection program

Our Biosecurity (weeds) Team inspects public and private land to detect new weed incursions that could be detrimental to agriculture and biodiversity.

All properties that have a history of serious declared weeds can expect an annual inspection to ensure these weeds are under control. The weeds we inspect include:

  • Serrated tussock
  • Coolatai grass
  • Bitou bush
  • Boneseed
  • St John’s wort
  • African love grass.

Private property inspections during the 2022-23 financial year occurred across parts of Sunshine Bay and Denhams Beach that lie within the Hume Road stormwater catchment, Benandarah and Durras South.

In Sunshine Bay and Denhams Beach, we specifically searched for aquatic weeds such as salvinia and water hyacinth. This ensures that, after a decade of eradicating Salvinia molesta in the Hume Road stormwater detention dams, there's no chance a reinfestation will reoccur.

South Durras has a local weed control program for the declared weeds arum lily and weedy cassia. Both plants present a serious threat to the ecological integrity of the local area. The declaration was made after a decade of removing these weeds from Council lands and the adjoining Murramarang National Park.

Council has detected the high-threat plant alligator weed in Benandarah. This weed appears to have been brought in on machinery from outside the Eurobodalla. We inspect this area to ensure there are no further infestations.

We installed signage across all inspection areas. We also sent letters to residents in Sunshine Bay and Denhams Beach to notify them of the inspections.


Dates are subject to change, dependent on environmental conditions and resources:

  • South Durras - 5 to 23 December 2022: complete.
  • Benandarah - 20 to 24 March 2023: complete.
    The inspection area covered properties to the west of the Princes Highway, bound to the north by Cockwhy Creek; to the west by the Clyde River, and to the south by Wild Pig, Portegan, Garden Seat and Donovan Creek Roads.
    Council’s Invasive Species Team focused on dams, creeks and other wet areas in an effort to locate any further infestations of alligator weed that may have been moved into the area by machinery from outside of the Eurobodalla.
  • Sunshine Bay/Denhams Beach - 13 February 2023 to 18 March 2023: complete.
    All properties where stormwater drains to the detention dams beside Hume Road, were inspected primarily for aquatic weeds. This area includes those parcels bound to the north by Sunshine Bay Road; to the west by the hilltop reserve that runs from Sunshine Bay Road in the north to Cook Avenue in the south; to the south by Wills Crescent, and to the east by Beach Road / Burrawang Crescent and Beechwood Court.


View the inspection areas for Benandarah, Sunshine Bay and Denhams Beach:

Council is here to help with weed control. Our inspections are a great opportunity to learn more about the plants growing on your property and how to manage them.

We encourage landholders to call and arrange a suitable time to inspect your area:

  • T: 4474 1269

We can help you

Council strives to protect agriculture and biodiversity from weeds that could destroy the sustainability of our farming sector and threaten native plants and animals. With this in mind, we are here to help, so if you have any questions about our inspection program, please contact our Invasive Species Supervisor, Paul Martin, for further advice on: