Native Title, Event licence agreements, Local Aboriginal Land Council and Crown land
Native Title
If your event is on Crown land you may need to request Native Title Advice. Eurobodalla Council’s event team will alert you if this advice is needed and assist in the application process. Please ensure you allow up to two (2) months for approval.
- T: 02 4474 1209
- E: events
Event licence agreements
Under section 47A of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, an event licence agreement is needed for any event longer than three consecutive days - this includes bump-in and bump-out event days. If unsure if your event will require a licence, confirm with Council’s event team. Ensure you allow up to six (6) months for licence approval.
- T: 02 4474 1209
- E: events
Local Aboriginal Land Council
If you are looking to hold your event on local Aboriginal land, you will need to seek approval from the Local Aboriginal Land Council. If unsure if your event is to be held on local Aboriginal land, or who to contact to seek your approval, contact the Eurobodalla Shire Council events team on:
- T: 02 4474 1209
- E: events
Crown land short-term licence
If holding an event on Crown land not managed by Eurobodalla Shire Council, you may need a short-term licence. For licence approval, it is recommended that you submit your application at least two (2) months prior to your event start date. A one-off rental fee may apply.
For more information, visit filming, events and short-term licences on the NSW Crown Lands website.