Greater Batemans Bay Structure Plan

A structure plan is a visionary document setting out the strategic planning framework for development over 25 years - it outlines key elements of an area's future.

A structure plan is not a planning scheme and does not have a role in development assessment. It does not zone individual sites - this is the job of the Local Environmental Plan. A structure plan is a strategy for understanding and managing growth and development in the study area.

The Greater Batemans Bay Structure Plan sets out the strategic planning framework for protection of the environment and major transport priorities. It also guides the scale, pattern and broad location of development, including provision for new housing and business for greater Batemans Bay.

The purpose of the Plan is to guide the preparation of the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and provide a framework within which decisions on future land-use zoning can be made. The Plan aims to balance demands for new housing, commercial development and servicing, with preserving what residents and visitors treasure about Batemans Bay.


Areas included in the Plan

The communities of greater Batemans Bay are linked by their location, road infrastructure, economic base, environmental features and lifestyle. Given that the Greater Batemans Bay Structure Plan sets the broad scale strategic framework for the development, it treats the communities within greater Batemans Bay as one locality. This approach is necessary for addressing the big picture planning issues that impact on all these communities.

The 12 communities included in the Greater Batemans Bay Structure Plan are: Maloneys Beach, Long Beach, North Batemans Bay, Surfside, Batemans Bay, Catalina, Batehaven, Sunshine Bay, Denhams Beach, Surf Beach, Lilli Pilli and Malua Bay.

Only those parts of Batemans Bay outside of the town centre are included in the Plan.


The Plan aims to achieve these objectives for greater Batemans Bay:

  • provide appropriate accommodation for a growing local population and an increasing number of visitors
  • retain and enhance the coastal and nature-based character of these 12 communities
  • ensure development is appropriate to the character of these communities
  • identify appropriate locations for commercial/retail, residential and tourism-related expansion
  • provide views to and from public and natural areas
  • protect and enhance environmental values
  • provide high quality and accessible open space.

We can help you

If you need more information, contact Council's Coordinator Strategy and Place, Angie Radford: