Moruya Structure Plan

The Moruya Structure Plan is a visionary document setting out the strategic planning framework for development over a period of 25 years from 2006 to 2031. The Plan sets out the planning framework for protection of our environment and the scale, pattern and broad location of development, including provision for new housing and business in Moruya. It does not however zone individual sites; this is the role of the Local Environmental Plan.

The purpose of the Plan is to:

  • protect and enhance the environment
  • achieve a sustainable pattern and form of development
  • guide the preparation of the Local Environmental Plan and provide a framework within which decisions on future land-use zoning can be made.

A structure plan is not a planning scheme and does not have a role in development assessment. It is a strategy for understanding and managing growth and development.

The Moruya Structure Plan will:

  • identify the location of future residential areas
  • identify the location of future commercial and industrial precincts
  • articulate a road hierarchy and identify movement corridors
  • incorporate good urban design principles that are characteristic of the area, as perceived by Moruya residents
  • consider and incorporate community vision principles derived by the Community Reference Group.

Community engagement has taken place to help shape the Plan to ensure that necessary development happens in a way that brings benefits to the people of Moruya and to future generations. The Plan has been developed through a process that has involved Council working with the community - its residents, business owners, devleopers and the appointed Community Reference Group.


Why the Plan is necessary

Development pressure is increasing in line with the growing appreciation of the lifestyle and economic benefits to be gained by developing and living in coastal areas.

It is important that planning guidelines are in place to ensure that this development is well-designed and environmentally sustainable.


The Moruya Structure Plan aims to achieve these objectives:

  • retain and enhance the historic rural characteristic of Moruya
  • encourage development that is sympathetic to the character of Moruya
  • protect and enhance environmental values
  • protect views to and from public and natural areas
  • provide appropriate accommodation for a growing local population and an increasing number of visitors
  • identify appropriate locations for commercial/retail, residential and tourism related expansion
  • provide high quality and accessible open space (with emphasis on improving connectivity between public areas) that contributes to the quality of the built and natural environment of Moruya.

The expectation is that landowners, developers and other agencies will work to pursue the objectives of this Plan.

We can help you

If you need more information, contact Council's Coordinator Strategy and Place, Angie Radford: