Bay Pavilions energy contract

Tender number: 2223-119

Successful tender submission: Shell Energy Retail Pty Ltd

Address of tenderer:  GPO Box 7152, Brisbane QLD 4001

Sub contractors: N/A

Commencement date: 1 January 2023

Duration of contract: 31 December 2024 (2 years)

Description of goods/services/consultancy: Bay Pavilions energy contract.

Tendered amount (Incl GST): $2,100,000.00

Provision for variation to the amount: This contract may be subject to variation, the details of which will be declared if and when any variation occurs.

Provisions for renegotiation: N/A

Method of tender: Tender conducted by LPG, contract number 17769 (Retail Electricity Agreement)

Criteria of tender evaluation: Tender conducted by LPG, contract number 17769 (Retail Electricity Agreement)

Provision for operational and maintenance services: N/A

Confidential information: This contract and its provisions are commercial-in-confidence. The exclusion of confidential information from this Register is explained on Council's contract page.

Last updated: 29 March 2023