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No meetings took place.
- Agenda (4.3 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/014 - Delivery Program 2017-22 Six-Monthly Performance Update July - December 2021 (979.1 KB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/015 - Draft Eurobodalla Community Strategic Plan Exhibition (896.5 KB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/018 - Policy Review for Exhibition - February 2022 (1.9 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/021 - Quarterly Budget Review for period ending 31 December 2021 (408.8 KB)
- Mayoral Report - Advocacy to NSW Government for Maintenance of Rural Roads (93.5 KB)
- Mayoral Report - Attendance at LGNSW Special Conference (133.5 KB)
- Minutes (505.2 KB)
Ordinary Council Meeting 8 February 2022
Ordinary Council Meeting 22 February 2022
- Agenda (10.6 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/001 - Statewide Mutual Program - Climate Change Risk Assessment, 2020 (2.3 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/001 - Eurobodalla Climate Action Plan 2022-32 (7.5 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/001 - Eurobodalla Climate Action Plan: in-brief (6.0 MB)
- Attachment to report CAR22/003 - Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan (5.5 MB)
- Public Forum (1.0 MB)
- Minutes (259.5 KB)
- Agenda (7.2 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/026 Policy Review - March 2022 (1.9 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/003 Eurobodalla Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 (8.5 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/003 Eurobodalla s7.12 Contributions Plan 2022 (2.5 MB)
- Mayoral Report - Procurement of contractor for urgent works on Araluen Road (1.0 MB)
- Public Forum (560.3 KB)
- Minutes (287.8 KB)
Ordinary Council Meeting 8 March 2022
Ordinary Council Meeting 22 March 2022
- Agenda (533.7 KB)
- Attachment to report NOM22/004 Children Services Forum (2.0 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/031 - Eurobodalla Community Strategic Plan (382.6 KB)
- Attachment to report IR22/010 Moruya CBD HPAA Plan (4.6 MB)
- Public Forum (1.6 MB)
- Minutes (294.3 KB)
- Agenda (1.6 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/045 Draft Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan 22-23 (2.2 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/045 - Draft 2022-23 Fees and Charges (2.9 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/045 - Draft 2022-32 Draft Long Term Financial Plan (1.6 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/047 - Policy Review - April 2022 (1.3 MB)
- Minutes (281.8 KB)
Ordinary Council Meeting 12 April 2022
Ordinary Council Meeting 26 April 2022
- Agenda (668.1 KB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/053 Draft Code of Meeting Practice (1.3 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/053 Draft Code of Meeting Practice Survey Results (127.1 KB)
- Public Forum (1.8 MB)
- Minutes (273.1 KB)
Ordinary Council Meeting 10 May 2022
Ordinary Council Meeting 24 May 2022
- Agenda (10.8 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/063 Policy Adoption - March review (1.5 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/065 Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW 2020 (372.7 KB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/065 - Procedures for the Administration of the Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW 2020 (320.8 KB)
- Attachment to report CAR22/008 - Draft Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022 (4.4 MB)
- Mayoral Report - Attendance at the National General Assembly (114.8 KB)
- Minutes (278.3 KB)
- Public Forum (378.4 KB)
- Agenda (4.9 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/067 Delivery Program 2022-26 and Operational Plan 2022-23 (2.9 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/067 Fees and Charges 2022-23 (2.9 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/068 Resourcing Strategy (6.7 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/071 Policy Review - June 2022 (2.2 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/072 Policy Adoption - April Review (1.2 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/018 Draft Mogo Village Place Activation Plan (12.8 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/019 Eurobodalla Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 (8.5 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/019 Eurobodalla s7.12 Contributions Plan 2022 (2.5 MB)
- Public Forum (665.8 KB)
- Minutes (308.0 KB)
Ordinary Council Meeting 14 June 2022
Ordinary Council Meeting 28 June 2022
Ordinary Council Meeting 26 July 2022
- Agenda (12.5 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/80 - Policies for Adoption - May Review (1.5 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/81 - Policies for Adoption - June Review (2.1 MB)
- Public Forum (1.5 MB)
- Minutes (320.6 KB)
- Agenda (7.6 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/083 - Policy Review for Exhibition - August 2022 (1.9 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/030 - Reclassification of Council Lands - draft (8.0 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/030 - Appendix 1 - Draft LEP Maps (7.2 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/030 - Appendix 2 - Title Searches (2.4 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/030 - Appendix 3 - PN16-001 (214.1 KB)
- Public Forum (962.6 KB)
- Minutes (289.7 KB)
Ordinary Council Meeting 9 August 2022
Ordinary Council Meeting 23 August 2022
- Agenda (331.8 KB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/087 - Code of Meeting Practice (1.1 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/087 - Code of Meeting Practice - Submissions (Appendix A) (483.1 KB)
- Minutes (266.8 KB)
- Agenda (15.8 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/085 - Draft Community Engagement Strategy (557.9 KB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/089 - Policy Review for Exhibition - September 2022 (3.7 MB)
- Attachment to report IR22/024 - Infrastructure Recovery - Natural Disasters - Bridge Works (11.4 MB)
- Public Forum (912.6 KB)
- Minutes (322.8 KB)
- Updated GRM22/089 Policy Review for Exhibition - September 2022 (198.1 KB)
Extraordinary Council Meeting 5 September 2022
Ordinary Council Meeting 13 September 2022
Extraordinary Council Meeting 19 September 2022
- Agenda (5.1 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/099 Policies for Adoption - July Review (6.7 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/100 Policies for Adoption - August Review (1.5 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 1. Draft Eurobodalla Open Coast Coastal Management Program (7.0 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-04-01_Erosion Hazard (4.8 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-05-01_Tidal Inundation (6.0 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-05-02_Coastal Inundation_A (7.6 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-05-02_Coastal Inundation_B (5.9 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-05-02_Coastal Inundation_C (7.3 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-05-02_Coastal Inundation_D (6.3 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-05-03_Coastal Inundation Depths_A (5.4 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-05-03_Coastal Inundation Depths_B (5.4 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-05-04_Coincident Inundation_A (6.7 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-05-04_Coincident Inundation_B (8.0 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. MAPS_RG-05-04_Coincident Inundation_C (8.1 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 2. RR_02_1412_02_Stage_2_WRL_Maps (8.5 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix A - Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (781.0 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix B - Stage 2 - Sediment Transport (2.4 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix B - Stage 2 - Stage 2 - Geotechnical Investigation Report - Part 1 (14.1 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix B - Stage 2 - Stage 2 - Geotechnical Investigation Report - Part 2 (7.0 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix B - Stage 2 Report - Vulnerability Assessments (2.3 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix C - List of Options and Feasibility (383.0 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix D - Option Viability Assessment (406.4 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix E - Option Summary Sheets (8.8 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix F - Option Detailed Costs (617.3 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix G - Draft Coastal Hazard Code (348.9 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/040 - 3. Appendix H - Coastal Zone Emergency Action Subplan (3.7 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/041 - Revised final draft Estuary Coastal Management Program - Part 1 (10.5 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/041 - Revised final draft Estuary Coastal Management Program - Part 2 (10.4 MB)
- Public Forum (1013.5 KB)
- Minutes (332.7 KB)
- Agenda (1.7 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/104 - Community Engagement Strategy (1.0 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/041 - draft Estuarine Coastal Management Plan - Part 1 (10.5 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/041 - draft Estuarine Coastal Management Plan - Part 2 (10.4 MB)
- Public Forum (439.6 KB)
- Minutes (540.5 KB)
Ordinary Council Meeting 11 October 2022
Ordinary Council Meeting 25 October 2022
- Agenda (19.8 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/108 Annual Report (3.6 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/114 Quarterly Budget Review for period ending 30 September 2022 (4.0 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/110 - Code of Conduct Policy (302.6 KB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/110 - Code of Conduct (542.6 KB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/110 - Council's Procedures for Administration of the Code of Conduct Policy (461.4 KB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/111 - Policy Adoption - September Review (5.2 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/056 Land Acquisition and Disposal Policy (414.5 KB)
- Attachment to report IR22/028 - Draft Transport Network Plan - Southern Area of Eurobodalla (7.4 MB)
- Public Forum (4.2 MB)
- Minutes (313.8 KB)
Ordinary Council Meeting 8 November 2022
Ordinary Council Meeting 22 November 2022
- Agenda (3.6 MB)
- Attachment to report GMR22/116 Presentation of Annual Financial Statements for year ended 30 June 2022 (3.9 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Public Exhibition Submissions and Response Summary (270.8 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Open Coast Coastal Management Plan (7.8 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Maps - Part 1 (10.8 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Maps - Part 2 (11.8 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix A - Community and Stakeholder Engagement Plan and Summary (2.3 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - CMP Stage 2 Vulnerability Assessments (3.7 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Appendices - APPENDIX_B (2.8 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Appendices - APPENDIX_A_1_Report (1.2 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Appendices - APPENDIX_A_2_Figures (9.7 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Appendices - APPENDIX_A_3_AppA (5.0 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Appendices - APPENDIX_A_4_AppB (5.1 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Appendices - APPENDIX_A_5_AppC (589.7 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Appendices - APPENDIX_C (8.5 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps - Coastal Inundation Depths_A (569.8 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps - Coastal Inundation Depths_A (4.9 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps - Coastal Inundation_A.pdf (5.7 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps - Coastal Inundation_B (5.9 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps - Coastal Inundation_C (7.3 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps - Coastal Inundation_D (6.3 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps - Coincident Inundation_A (4.3 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps - Coincident Inundation_B (8.0 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps - Coincident Inundation_C (8.1 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps - Erosion Hazard (4.8 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps -Coastal Inundation Depths_B (5.4 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix B - Stage 2 Report Maps -Tidal Inundation (6.0 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix C - Long List of Options and Feasibility Assessment (383.0 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix D - Option Viability Assessment. (406.4 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix E - Option Summary Sheets (8.7 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix F - Draft Coastal Hazard Code (1.1 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix G - Draft Coastal Hazard Code (342.0 KB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/065 - Appendix H - Coastal Zone Emergency Action (4.5 MB)
- Attachment to report PSR22/063 - Weeds Control Programs (6.4 MB)
- Public Forum (848.3 KB)
- Minutes (300.5 KB)