Provision of website CMS, hosting, maintenance and support

Tender number: 2223-100

Successful tender: Squiz Australia Pty Limited

Address of tenderer: Level 1, 435A-437 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Sub contractors: N/A

Commencement date: 11 January 2023

Duration of contract: 10 January 2026

Description of goods/services/consultancy: Provision of website CMS, hosting, maintenance and support.

Tendered amount (Incl GST):

Original amount: $222,234.10

Variation: $21,408.75

Total contract amount: $243,642.85

Provision for variation to the amount: This contract may be subject to variation, the details of which will be declared if and when any variation occurs.

Variation 1: Website maintenance, value of $21,408.75 (Incl GST)

Provisions for renegotiation: N/A

Method of tender: Sole source

Criteria of tender evaluation:

  • Proven technical capability and reliability
  • Value for money

Provision for operational and maintenance services: N/A

Confidential information: This contract and its provisions are commercial-in-confidence. The exclusion of confidential information from this Register is explained on Council's contract page.

Last updated: 24 February 2023