Nelligen Water Supply and Sewerage Scheme

Project: Providing a reticulated pressure sewerage scheme and water supply to 160 village properties.


  • 2020-21: Design work
  • 2023: Construct water reservoirs
  • 2023-24: Construct pumping stations and mains
  • 2024:
    • Construct water and sewer mains within the village
    • Install pressure sewer systems on properties
    • Schemes operational (late 2024)

Status: In progress

Cost and funding: NSW Government is providing $3.5 million through the Safe and Secure Water Program. Council will contribute the remaining required funds.

Page last updated: August 2024

Latest news: July 2024

Work on the pipelines is winding up along the Kings Highway between Batemans Bay and Nelligen. It's all systems 'go' in the village; installing water and sewer infrastructure. Everything is on track to finish by the end of 2024.


We are working to: provide a water supply and sewage scheme to service individual properties in Nelligen.

Benefits to the community:

  • The Nelligen community currently rely on tank water either collected on-site or delivered by truck. Many properties cannot collect and store sufficient rainwater. The new infrastructure will transfer potable water from Batemans Bay to each property. This will ensure an ongoing supply.
  • The new sewerage scheme will collect sewage from individual properties and pump it to the Batemans Bay Sewage Treatment Plant. This will replace on-site sewage management systems (such as septic tanks and envirocycles). Many Nelligen properties don't have suitable space or soil for on-site sewage disposal. This leads to increased pump-outs and system failures.

The new systems will link into existing water and sewer infrastructure in Batemans Bay.

Council’s long-term water and sewer strategic plan includes this project:

We are installing a pump station and pipeline to transfer water from Batemans Bay to a new water supply reservoir - large concrete storage tank - on Clyde Road, North Batemans Bay. From here, the water will gravity fed to another new reservoir, recently built on Old Nelligen Road, Nelligen. We have designed these reservoirs to ensure there is adequate supply for firefighting purposes, even during times of peak holiday demand.

From here, the water will gravity-feed to individual properties in the Nelligen village. Our part of the work will finish at the water meter and connection point installed just inside the boundary of each property.

Property owners will need to arrange for a licensed plumber to connect their property’s water pipes to the new meter.

Property owners can keep their rainwater tanks as either a primary or supplementary water supply, in keeping with appropriate plumbing regulations.

A reticulated system is being installed throughout the village to collect sewage from individual properties. A new pumping station and rising main will transfer the waste to the Batemans Bay Sewage Treatment Plant.

The new system will replace existing on-site sewage management systems, such as septic tanks and pump outs, and will reduce the risk of harm to the environment and public health.

A pump unit is being installed below ground on each property to collect and pump sewage to the street mains via a new pipe and a boundary kit. The pump unit is approximately 1m in diameter and 2m deep.

In comparison to a traditional gravity-fed system, a pressure sewerage system has lower installation costs and reduced environmental and social impacts. The small diameter pipes can be installed at a shallow depth requiring minimal site disturbance. Pipes can be installed using horizontal drilling technology, avoiding deep excavations throughout the village.

The system allows for power failure with approximately 24 hours of storage. Our on-call sewer operators will be available at all times to attend to any issues.

Ownership and maintenance of the sewerage infrastructure from the pump unit to the street mains will remain Council’s responsibility.

On properties where an on-site sewage management system currently exists, we will:

  • install a sewage pump unit, pump, pump control panel, discharge pipe and boundary kit
  • connect household waste to the pump unit
  • provide an electrical connection to the pump and any electrical capacity upgrades required (provided the existing electrical works comply with current standards).

Vacant property lots and houses under construction without an on-site sewage management system will have a connection point (boundary kit) installed only. Future development applicants (for new dwellings) will need to liaise with our Water and Sewer team to arrange installation of a new pressure sewerage system.

To help transfer sewage from Nelligen to the Batemans Bay Sewage Treatment Plant we are building a pumping station on Council-owned land in Bridge View Road. It has been designed to minimise impact on amenity for residents and visitors and will be largely screened from view by existing vegetation.

The station includes a 100kL concrete tank (3m tall) and a single storey brick building (approximately 90m²).  All mechanical and electrical equipment will be housed within this building. Odours from the station will be minimised thanks to an odour control system.

When the water supply becomes available, property owners will be responsible for the following costs:

  • connection of household plumbing to the new mains water supply
  • an annual standard fee (currently $390 for the 2024-25 financial year)
  • water usage (currently $4.10 per 1,000 litres for the 2024-25 financial year)

When the sewerage scheme is operating, property owners will be responsible for the following costs:

  • decommissioning of existing on-site sewage management systems eg septic tanks
  • an annual standard sewer rate (currently $1,130 for the 2024-25 financial year)
  • electrical running costs, approximately $50 per year (for a four-person dwelling).

Future development applicants (for new dwellings) will need to liaise with our Water and Sewer team to arrange installation of a new pressure sewerage system. The standard fee is $13,756 (2024-25 financial year) for the installation.

We engaged NSW Public Works to assess the potential impacts that may result from activities associated with the project. They prepared a Review of Environmental Factors for the following:



  • We kicked of the year with a community drop-in session at Mechanics Institute on 19 January. Everyone was welcome to come along and find out about the upcoming water and sewer work within the village and on properties.
  • Leonne Constructions started installing the water and sewer infrastructure in the streets of Nelligen and on properties within the scheme.
  • Work on the pipelines and pump stations to get the water to Nelligen and the sewage to Batemans Bay continued.


  • Leed Engineering and Construction built two concrete water reservoirs; one in North Batemans Bay and the other in Nelligen.
  • We awarded the contract to install the pipelines and build the pump stations to Leed Engineering and Construction. Work started in June.
  • In December we engaged Ledonne Constructions to install the infrastructure within the village starting onsite from late January 2024.


  • Further environmental assessments and reviews of the project took place to work out the best possible path for the new infrastructure. We changed the alignment of water and sewer pipelines running from Batemans Bay to Nelligen to minimise impacts to the local environment.
  • We awarded the tender for construction of the two water reservoirs to Leed Engineering and Construction.
  • Late in the year we advertised the tenders for construction of the water and sewer pump stations and mains.


  • We hosted a community drop-in session at the Mechanics Institute of Nelligen in January to provide information about the upcoming provision of water and sewerage services.
  • Everyone was welcome to come along to discuss the project design, construction and operation. Components of the new pressure sewer infrastructure were on display.


  • A planned community drop-in session was postponed due to the bushfire emergency in January and again in March due to Covid.
  • PS Solutions met with individual property owners to discuss and prepare a plan for the location of the pressure sewer equipment and water meter.
  • Large water pipe and sewer pipes were installed beneath the Clyde River as part of the project. The pipes were installed using a technique called horizontal directional drilling.

Long lengths of large poly pipe is laid outA machine welds two lengths of pipe together


  • We engaged Landmark Surveys to undertake cadastral and engineering surveys throughout the village between November 2019 and February 2020. The data will allow us to develop accurate plans to ensure the new water and sewer components will be installed within property boundaries.

More info

Download a fact sheet about the project:

For further details, please contact our Water and Sewer Projects Engineer, Billy Alves:

A river flows through the village of Nelligen