Submit a community project proposal

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Applicant details
4. Choose the option that applies to you * Note: Council may request evidence of strategic planning, financial capacity/insurances, and trends in membership numbers for assessment of this proposal.
4b. Is your organisation incorporated
4c. Are you registered for GST
Project details
eg. what identified community need is this project addressing? How will the project benefit the community?
eg. user groups, community groups and engaged individuals.
you can upload up to 10 files to a maximum of 1MB each. PDF format is preferred.
Project cost
provide details of costs for individual elements eg. planning, assessments, approvals, design, construction, operational.
If self funded, how much funding is currently available?
Specify project components, eg. planning, approvals, design, procurement, construction.
Project delivery
Anything else you would like to add?
You can upload up to 10 files at a maximum of 1MB each. PDF format is preferred.