Construction of Tuross River Intake Pump Station

Tender number: 10018531

Successful tender: Quay Civil Pty Ltd

Address of tenderer: Suite 3.12 32 Delhi Road, North Ryde NSW 2113

Sub contractors: N/A

Commencement date: 29 July 2020

Duration of contract: End of September 2023

Description of goods/services/consultancy: Construction of Tuross River Intake Pump Station

Tendered amount (Incl GST): 

Original amount: $4,723,902.58

Provisional amounts included in tender: $590,685.62

Tendered amount minus provisions = $4,723,902.58 - $590,685.65 = $ 4,133,216.96

Provisional sums actioned: $19,410.47

Variation amount: $837,058.79

Total contract amount: $4,133,216.96 + $19,410.47 + $837,058.79 = $4,989,686.218,

Provision for variation to the amount: This contract may be subject to variation, the details of which will be declared if and when any variation occurs.

Construction almost complete but supply chain issues have resulted in delays in delivery of critical electrical component. Awaiting a post Christmas break update, but anticipate completion end of February 2023.

Provisions for renegotiation: N/A

Method of tender:  Request for Tender

Criteria of tender evaluation:

  • Price - 70%
  • Non-price - 30%

Provision for operational and maintenance services: N/A

Confidential information: This contract and its provisions are commercial-in-confidence. The exclusion of confidential information from this Register is explained on Council's contract page.

Last updated: 2 August 2023