Restoring access - Belowra Valley bridges

The Belowra community was left isolated after the 2019 New Year’s Eve bushfires destroyed four crucial timber bridges.

Our teams were soon on the scene to assess the damage and arrange temporary crossings.

All four bridges have now been replaced with permanent structures that are more fire and flood resilient. Given the scale of the damage, we relied on financial assistance from the NSW and Federal governments' Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements to get the job done.

Belimbla Bridge

The damage: Completely destroyed

Current status: Permanent access restored

The work: We initially established a side track, which was washed away by flood waters. We then created a temporary bridge to maintain access until the bridge was replaced using the InQuik Bridging System.

Belowra Bridge

The damage: Completely destroyed

Current status: Permanent access restored

The work: We created an initial side track (then recreated the track after it was washed away) to maintain access until the bridge was replaced using the InQuik Bridging System.

Four Gums Bridge

The damage: Completely destroyed

Current status: Permanent access restored

The work: We established a temporary side track before replacing the bridge with a concrete structure

Sitters Ditch Bridge

The damage: Completely destroyed

Current status: Permanent access restored

The work: We established a temporary side track before replacing the bridge with triple cell piped culverts

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