Main Street Studies

The purpose of a Main Street Study is to improve the streetscape to make it more attractive as a destination, so that businesses can take advantage of the greater number of visitors and their longer visiting time.  Another desired outcome is that a more vibrant community and local economy results in a greater ability and willingness to conserve historic buildings and streetscapes.

Council commenced the Nelligen and Bodalla Studies in 2010, with the aid of a grant from the then NSW Department of Planning's Heritage Branch.  The project was supported by the Eurobodalla Heritage Advisory Committee and conducted in close consultation with the respective communities.  The project fulfilled a task of the Eurobodalla Heritage Strategy 2011-2014.

Nelligen and Bodalla

At its meeting on 23 August 2011, Eurobodalla Shire Council adopted the Nelligen and Bodalla Main Street Studies, as resource documents to guide the development of any future plans for private and public works in the main streets of these historic villages. This will ensure that future works are responsive to the wishes of the local community and achieves a major objective of the Eurobodalla Heritage Strategy 2011-2014.

The studies provide specific and general advice on heritage and urban design issues for Bodalla and Nelligen's main streets with the aim of assisting private property owners and Council to carry out appropriate conservation and improvement work to their properties and public areas.

It should be noted that the delivery of the actions in these plans will be subject to Council's ability to resource, fund and prioritise through its future delivery program, the development of which will include community consultation.

The adopted Studies and a copy of the report to Council with regard to the Study may be viewed using the links below.